HACCP Cleaning (Food Grade)

maclean is a HACCP-compliant (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) cleaning company, which means that we are able to meet the strict health and safety standards of this specialised health and food risk control policy. If your company is required to meet the HACCP’s stringent sanitation standards, our highly capable professional unit is ready to help you meet them.

photo of maclean professional cleaning

If your business deals with food distribution, production or preparation and want to ensure that what you produce is free from biological, chemical or physical hazards, the HACCP system can help to reduce the risk of contamination in your products.

photo of maclean professional discussing

Different premises and business types may have their unique cleaning and sanitation procedures that need to be aligned with the HACCP cleaning and sanitation standards. A personalised assessment by our team working with your production team will help to ascertain the cleaning and sanitation needs and outline the requirements for the team to meet the stringent controls and standards.

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